Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Dreaded Tonsils...

Kaiden has tonsilitis. I took him back to the Doctor this afternoon and his tonsils have doubled in size since yesterday. He hasn't had any fluids since yesterday afternoon and if he hasn't taken in a decent amount by tomorrow morning, they want to admit him to the hospital.
So I was wrong. Apparently things can get worse....


Danielle309 said...

Its ok Robyn! It would only be for Antibiotics and fluid replacement. He'll be fine! :-) Chin up. Get well soon Kaiden!
I would msg you but it would be midnight your time. :-(

Samantha said...

Aww poor Kaiden... hope he feels better soon and can keep something down. I hate having tonsillitis... I have had it way too often.

Samantha said...

Aww poor Kaiden... hope he feels better soon and can keep something down. I hate having tonsillitis... I have had it way too often.

Melany aka Supermom said...

Poor boy. I hope he takes some fluids soon. The antibiotics should work quickly.

Susan said...

We hope little Kaiden is feeling better. Get well little fella.