Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Last night I think I had my first real experience as to what it is to be a Mum.

You have no time to yourself.

You are always at work or at least on call.

And apparently you NEVER get sick days...

Last night I was sick.

Craig was at work and it was nearly bed time for all.

Then BAM!

What a sight.

I had my head in the toilet, with Kaiden under one arm and Noah standing at the door.

I can't even have 5 minutes to myself to throw up!

I'm hoping it was just a 24 hour bug or something, but I still feel a bit yuck.

Oh the joys of motherhood...


Robin D said...

I'm so sorry you were sick...hopefully its all over! I've been there before and its never fun, especially when there's two kids to get in the way! Feel better. :)

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

Get better soon. That is the worse. I am sorry. Sometimes when I am sick I think- Who is going to take care of me?
Us moms are tough :)
I hope you feel better and the boys don't get sick....

Anonymous said...

oh you poor thing robyn! Hope you're feeling better soon xx

Zoe said...

oh robyn! you poor thing!!
I really hope you feel better soon....
like you said "Oh the joys of motherhood" lol

Dee. said...

Time like that certainly put things into perspective :) hope your feeling better

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Thank you so much girls...I am feeling much better this afternoon. I even managed to sneak in a bowl of icecream :-)

www.stepherz.com said...

I'm so sorry! I can so relate. Just know that you'll be better soon and the tummy bugs only hit you about once a year.