The Bad Week Keeps On Going...
Last week was bad. Wisom teeth, kids passing out in public places, colds, flu...But by yesterday we were all much better and silly me thought - hooray, new week=good week. How wrong was I. Look at my poor little baby Kaiden....
He has had sores like this before, but not since he was about 6 weeks old and they were never this big or ugly looking. The Doctor says they are some kind of bacterial/skin infection and I have cream to clear it up. But it is NASTY. It looks like a burn and is all weepy.
Luckily though, the Doctor didn't seem too worried about it and Kaiden seems quite happy in himself. But the poor little man, it hurts when I touch it cos he cries and squirms so I am being very careful to not put my hand on it. I hope it clears up soon :-(
Ouch...that looks nasty!!! Poor little fella not nice. Hope he is alright darlin, these things are nver nice!! Well maybe your week can only get better and healthier from here on. Try to enjoy least the weather is ok!! Did you get the sand pit done??
Ouchy, I thought it was a burn when I looked at it! Sleeping on his back wouldn't be very nice right now! Lucky he's started to enjoy his 'tummy time'. Get better soon Kaiden!
And a black spiderman? Thats so gorgeous, luckily Noah is teaching Kaiden the finer things in life!
Poor kid. When I first saw it- I thought it was a burn. That is good that cream will clear it. It looks like it hurts. Does he sleep okay with it?
I sure hope your week get's better. I will be thinking about you guys.
Get better sweet Kaiden....
That looks nasty, poor little man, lets hope it clears up soon!
Poor baby! I'm so sorry you guys have been sick, and sorry more that Kaiden has these sores. Poor Fella!
Hopefully it will all clear up soon-- with some love and kisses. :-)
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