Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another Baby...Another Hi5 Fan

Kaiden has been really crabby the last few days...I'm not good with crabby babies!! I'm sure, in the scheme of things, he really isn't very demanding at all. I'm just so used to the laid back, happy Kaiden that he seems very crabby to me! He isn't enjoying just laying on the floor like he used to, he wants me to play with him all the time. As soon as I am out of sight, he pulls out his sad face and screams. I guess I should take it as some kind of compliment - he misses me when I'm gone perhaps??
But one thing has saved me - Hi5. Noah LOVED Hi5. But not from this early age. He didn't start watching dvd's until he was about a year old. But Kaiden, well he's going to be a square eyed little thing I think. He can be as crabby as anything and as soon as I bung on Hi5 - instant peace and quiet. Hi5 is heaven...


Danielle said...

Ah...a common problem, i think your baby must have been talking to my baby and they have the same gumble bum bug. Joss is EXACTLY like that at the moment. It's impossiable to get anything done, even tv doesn't work sometimes.

Yesterday I put Hi5 on and she actually sat still for 5 minutes, who would have thought hoorraayy!!

Second babies are definitley so much more in tune with the big wide world from a much earlier stage.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

It's such a pitty that Kaiden and Joss live on opposite sides of the continent...if they lived near by they could be grumble bums together :-)