Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This Programme Is Rated...

Online Dating

I need to work on my bad-ass-ness!! I guess this IS a family orientated site...but sometimes kids can be little you-know-whats...maybe I should start saying what I REALLY think about Kaiden when he is teething. Apparently the worst I have said on here is crap...


anne said...

Ha! You know I am having one of those mornings...we use one of our front rooms as a playroom and we have a train table set up and along one wall is stacks of our books. (we rid ourselves of our junky bookshelf) and I walk in and the books are EVERYWHERE along with trains and whatever else the boys could find to toss around. ah, the joys of motherhood.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

I am so glad that things like that happen to other people too anne, and NOT just me!! Kaiden had been really testing the last two weeks or so, but he stayed at my Mum's sat night and he came back an angel :-)

Melany aka Supermom said...

Hey...I think it's great that you have an A rated blog! I will go see what mine says lol
The teething really sucks though lol