Dear Torie...
This morning I had a comment left from Torie...
"It is hard to be a mama. It is the best thing in the world, but it is hard.You are a great mom."
It bought a tear to my eye.
So I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Torie...For saying something so sweet and meaningful to me and for telling me exactly what I needed to hear, without me even asking or hinting for her to say it.
And I'm not going to start now. I do have one question though...
Why can someone who lives on the opposite side of the world say something so touching yet those who are around me everyday say nothing?
I often wonder that same question and the only answer I can come up with is other seem more perseptive to read between the lines then those that are around us. I do agree thou motherhood is one of the most testing, trying, but rewarding jobs I have ever had.
Robyn I don't technically 'know' you but I can tell that you're a great mom and love your family dearly.
My husband lived in Australia for 2 years while serving a mission for our church and he also lived in New Zealand for a while. His parents have talked about revisiting New Zealand and maybe stoping by Australia in a few years. If that ever happens I've thought how cool it would be to try and meet! I always like telling other friends about your blog and your known as 'my blog friend in Australia'. Just by reading your blog and the comments you've made on mine I know you're a very caring and loving friend, mom, and wife.
Oh and your blog might now be rated G anymore since you said the 'B word'! ;)
I meant NOT be rated G. I hat typos!
Robin, thank you so much for your sweet comments :-)
I often think too how cool it would be to meet all my blogging friends! Just imagine how much fun our kiddies would have together! Hopefully one day we can meet, I think it would be fantastic!!
Myabe I'll have to talk Kaiden out of the PLASMA and into a plane ticket instead ;-)
Oh, and I "hat" typo's too...ha ha ha! Sorry, that made me laugh out loud! I've done the exact same thing on someone elses's blog...I think we have a lot in common!!
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