Monday, May 28, 2007

Five Minutes In Noah's World...

What is something you are really good at? Spiderman
Your favourite food? Meat. Strawberry meat. Oh and I love chippies and nuggets too. They're my favourite
What makes you happy? Fruit salad
What is your favourite shop? Supermarket and Chickenfeed
Why? Because I get toys and cars!
Your favourite movie? Batman and Max & Millie
What's something that makes you mad? Naughty Owls (where did that come from?!)
Your favourite thing to draw? Big tall scarecrows
Something you would like for christmas? Batman
Favourite colour? Blue
What do you like to play with? Batman, Spiderman, Superman and the Joker
What do you do when it's raining? Play in the puddles
Your favourite animal? Cows
Something you wish you could do better? Weights bench (points to his little weights bench)
Favourite place to go? Queensland...
Me - You've never been to Queensland Noah
Noah - Yes I have
Me - No you haven't
Noah - I have I told you! Spiderman took me there last week
Me - Where was my invitation??
Favourite people to go and visit? Nanny B & Poppy Ced and Nanny Jill & Poppy Daz
What do you say when you answer the phone? Hello (Duh Mum....)
What's your favourite song? The teddy one...
Me - What teddy bear song?
Noah - The teddy bear one
Me - Sing it for me
Noah - Teddy bear went to Queensland on an aeroplane. Teddy fell off and broke his leg
Me - That's a great song Noah...
Noah - Yes I know!
What do you take to bed with you? Teddy
Who is your best friend? Superman, Spiderman, Flash Gordon and Batman
Who's you real best friend? I just told you that
Ok then, who's your best friend AT SCHOOL? Blake
Do you have a girlfriend? Yep. Her name's Montanna. She lives over there (points out our lounge room window!)
Why is she your girlfriend? Cos I love her. I love everybody!
What happens when you're naughty? Daddy laughs at me
Me - Wrong answer. What else happens when you're naughty Noah?
Noah - You growl at me and I have to go to my bedroom and I cry (why is Daddy the good guy and I'm the bad guy??)
How does Santa bring your presents? In his sleigh, like this (pretends to climb into a sleigh and runs around the lounge room holding onto the "reindeers")
Where do babies come from? From in your tummy
How do they get in my tummy? The doctor puts a hole in your tummy and puts the baby in and then they go to sleep and then the doctor opens your tummy and gets the baby out again

Pretty cluey for a three year old hey!


Samantha said...

Hahaha too cute!

Anonymous said...

This is just fabulous, one of the best literary pieces i've seen in a long time..