Saturday, March 24, 2007

He Is Human...

Everyone always says how happy Kaiden is - and 99% of the time he is! He really only cries when he's hungry or tired. And as soon as you either feed him or wrap him up to go to sleep then he's happy. But here's PROOF that he does have a set of lungs on him when he chooses to use them :-)

But one yummy bottle later, he is happy Kaiden again :-)


Samantha said...

Oh boy does he look like he has a set of lungs!! changes face pretty quickly that one LOL

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

I ove the top photo tho - he looks so cute when he pulls a sad face! How come we never look that good when we have a sook!!

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

That was meant to say *Love* the top photo...I should read my own comments before posting them hey!!

Samantha said...

haha wouldnt worry to much I do the same thing all the time. He is very cute when he cracks the sads lol. I dont think the lip thing works once you hit your teens though LOL