Weight Update
Today Kaiden went for his 6 month "weigh-in"...I can't believe he is 6 months old already!
Noah at 6 months
Length - 69cm Weight - 8.24kg HC - 46.3cm Teeth - 2!
Kaiden at 6 months
Length - 67cm Weight - 7.78kg HC - 46cm Teeth - 2!
They grow up so fast! My Noah just did get his first 2 teeth about a month ago and he's almost one. My oldest son had his first two teeth when he was 3 months old!
I always love to go and get the boys weighed and see how much they are growing. I go tomorrow for Jayce's well baby check.
I will have to tell you how much he weighs.
Have a great day....
I can't believe Kaiden is 6 Months old!!! I can't believe we are half way through a the year!! It' feels like time is ging slow because i'm waiting and waiting and waiting (for the house that is) but when i look back at the year so far it's crazy that it's half way gone.
The house is going so slowly now...I'm just about pulling my hair out and we still could have about two months or more to go.
Your blog is great the way it documents your family life. It's got everything it'll be great to look back on later and see you boys grow up all over again.
Geez how many typo's did i just make....yep still i'm still asleep...it's 7.05am here and i'm at work....zzzzzz...
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