Three Things...
Chantelle just emailed me this, so I thought I would blog it rather than forwarding it in an email!
Three Things about me you may not have known . . .
Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Assistant at hairdresser's...didn't go much on that!
2. Personal dream job - I LOVED it!!
3. A Mum :-)
Three Places that I have lived:
Well, I've never lived out of Deloraine...but I've lived in a few places in Del so here goes -
1. My Mum and Dad's!
2. Bonney first house of my own!
3. Gay Street...the first house he has bought, and I love it :-)
Three TV shows I like to watch:
1. What About Brian...what about Brian?? He's gorgeous :-)
2. Grey's Chantelle ends up with a McDreamy when she works at the hospital next year!
3. Home And Away...never get sick of it
Three places I have been on holiday:
1. first trip WITHOUT the pair's! Came home with a slipped disc and black hair...good times, good times!
2. Sydney...shut my thumb in the sliding door on the way to the airport. Ouch!
3. first hol with Craig with NO kids. We shopped...and shopped...and shopped some more :-)
Three of my favourite foods:
1. Lasagne
2. Chocolate
3. Um, chocolate ;-)
Three places where I would rather be right now:
1. Somewhere's like minus something outside here!
2. Somewhere with chocolate...I've run out
3. Somewhere with endless amounts of $$...and endless amounts of shops ;-)
It says to forward it to three people, so if you want to be TAGGED consider yourslef so :-)
Hi Robyn, this is Sarah from the blog you found with the little boy named Noah. I guess you are right about the cute thing. How adorable your boys are. Can I add you to my blog? I would love to read more about your family. Take care.
Hey Sarah!
Of course you can add me to your blog! I love reading about your little ones, and congratualtions on little Sadie - she is beautiful :-)
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