Saturday, June 02, 2007


I was just doing a bit of browsing on the Net while the boys are watching the Ninja Turtles AGAIN (it's like the 4th time this morning, Noah has discovered how to work the dvd player so he just keeps skipping back to his favourite bits and watching the over and over and over again!) and I discovered the most popular boys names in Australia.
In 2003, the year Noah was born, Noah was ranked number 26 and last year, it had jumped up to number 9. Mr Popular! And Kaiden wasn't mentioned at all, which surprised me a bit. I thought it would have been on there somewhere.
But what fasinated me the most was finding this on a different site - look how many different spellings people have come up with for the same name!!

Caden, Cadin, Cayden, Caiden, Caeden, Caidan, Cadyn, Caydan, Caydn, Caidyn, Cadan, Cadon, Cadaan, Caedon, Caedan, Kaidan, Kaiden, Kayden, Kaidyn, Kaidynn, Kaidon, Kaidin, Kaden, Kaeden, Kadin, Kaedyn, Kaedan, Kadyn, Kaedon, Kaedin, Kadan, Kadon

That would have to be some kind of record for the most number of different spellings for the one name I swear...


Robin D said...

I was just snooping on other people's blogs and before shuting down I realized I had comment from you. So no I don't mind at all. I guess we do have some good taste! I'm also very surprised that you spell Kaiden the same way. You're the only one I know so far. I think most people spell it Caden. When we were told of the name Kaiden by a friend it was my first time hearing it and now I know several Kaidens. Including my cousin who name her boy the same thing just spelt it differently. Happy snooping!

Melany aka Supermom said...

Goodness..who would have thought that you could spell one name in so many different ways. I don't know about over there but here people LOVE to spell a name differently...I think it just makes life difficult for the poor kid when he is older and has to keep on spelling his name over and over :)I like the way you spelled his name

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Before I had my Kaiden, I only knew of one other. SInce then though, I've noticed a few inthe paper but none have been spelled the same. And I noticed that Kevin Costner and his wife have just had a baby boy...named Cayden! Isn't it strange how you notice these things when you have your little Kaiden!
And I still can't believe I found another Robyn with a little boy named Kaiden...what a coincidence!!!