Saturday, June 02, 2007

Guess What...

Kaiden just rolled over all by himself!! I can't believe it! It was only a week ago that he went to the specialist about his heart and we were discusing his devolpment in other areas, of which everything was moving along nicely except for his willingness to roll! Which I had just put down to him being too content and happy. He really does just like to lay there and look around, he has never shown much interest in rolling.
But of course, as soon as I mention it to someone he proves me wrong and starts rolling!! It was exactly the same when I was concerned with Noah's stuttering - it magically disappeared the very next day!! No joke. Now he replaces it with "Ah certainly" or "Ah actually" at the beginning of nearly every sentence...but that's another story.
My main news for today is - my baby has started rolling!! :-)


Mike, Torie and Boys said...

How exciting!!! It's so funny how the little things make us mom's so happy..
The pictures of the boys together are so cute..

Mike, Torie and Boys said...
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Melany aka Supermom said...

Yeah baby!! WTG on the rolling!

Kim said...

How cool.. Now he is going to be able to get around a lot more..
Those pictures of both boys are too cute..