Wednesday, June 06, 2007


This morning, when I got up at 7.45am, there was a frost. A pretty big one too. Noah asked if it had been snowing.

I left my washing out on the line last night because it was still wet and figured it would be out nice and early for the sun this morning.

My jeans have ice on them.

And then, just to prove that it really is cold, my little weather pixie told me it was -1degrees.


And this is only the 6th day of winter...


anne said...

whoa! It is in the 80's here! CRAZY!

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Hey anne!
So what is that in celcious? Cos you guys have fahrenheit don't you...Whatever it is, I'm guessing its a lot warmer than here! You lucky lucky things!

Danielle309 said...

Hmm...I might like the cold weather right now, my pregnant body is definetly feeling the heat! 32-33 in the day and 20something at night...I would love to be cold instead of sweating! But maybe -1 is a little too cold!
Love Kaiden's dressing gown, its gorgeous! Since its so cold he could prob wear it everywhere!

Samantha said...

cripes thats cold. I thought it was here... its like in the early 20's here today and I am freezing. Where are my ugg boots when I need them?

Melany aka Supermom said...

We had that weather about 2 weeks ago. Today we have a max of 12. Lovely AND it is raining! It never rains in the winter plus we have had some hail with that lol The weather is so weird

anne said...

80's fareneit is about 27 celcious here.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

oh how i wish it was 27 here...instead, again, it's 1 degree! Improvement from -1 yesterday i suppose ;-)
And we had heaps of rain last the last few weeks too, the river flooded like it always does. But this week the sun is out and it looks like great weather - until you step outside and freeze!!

Anonymous said...

It has been sooo cold here to, frosts and stuff...We're in the middle of a desert so we get the extreme temperatures. :( but i like the in between temps, when you can wear a jumper if you want to. I think Spring would have to be my favourite season. Winter is only good for skiing and i can tell you now there is no chance of skiing anywhere in WA! Have your boys seen snow yet Robyn?

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

No they haven't seen snow yet! Hopefully we'll be able to take them this year, the way it's going we could end up with it in our backyard!
I can't believe it is cold in Kalgoolie...I didn't think it ever got cold in the desert?!
Brooke and I were looking through photo's the other night from our ski much fun was that!!