Entertaining Kaiden...
Kaiden has been a little bit crabby the last week or so, I think it's because he's getting teeth. He is totally happy when someone is sitting with him playing or if he's picked up, but some of us have things we need to get done and don't have all day to just entertain a six month old! So here's what we've come up with...
Hanging him in his jolly jumper while we are on the computer and poking him with Noah's "horse-on-a-stick"!
Helping him look for a job...about time he learnt to earn his keep ;-)
Watching Transformer videos on You Tube...
Giving him teething rusks to chew on...
His new jolly jumper musical mat...a bargain from my trusty friend eBay!
And finally - sitting him in his bath seat...in the middle of the lounge room!
I hear you on the crabby! Evan is getting his two top teeth in! Great entertaining ideas! :)
The bath seat in the lounge is a winner!
I agree the bath seat is a genius idea I use to put my two in a washing basket full of pillows to keep them proped up!
I would suggest the bath seat as a must-have-item to everyone!! It really is heaven...
That jolly jumper musical mat looks great! HOpe that little guy will soon be back to his happy self
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