Miss Samantha Tagged Me!
Oki doki, I've been tagged so here I go...
4 Favourite Jobs
1. Being a Mum! Sure they drive you crazy sometimes, you don't get sick days and the pay is lousy...but it's all worth it :-)
2. Being a Personal Trainer! It was my very first job outside of school and I loved every second of it. I never had a day off, I never even had a day where I didn't feel like going. It was fantastic. I loved the clients and I loved my boss...And he loved checking out all my friends when they came to visit. Boys!
And that's it...I haven't had any other jobs! Well, I worked at a local hairdresser for awhile but I definatley didn't love it! And between leaving school in 2002 and having a baby in 2003, I only had the one job!
4 Favourite Local Places
1. The park. I love going for walks around the park and taking Noah to the playground there.
2. Chillies! Yum yum...my favourite place to go for lunch. Although they have changed their menu now but they still have the best muffins ever.
3. Am I allowed to say the pub?? Not that I go there very often but it's a great place to catch up with people that you don't get a chance to see all that often, especially when you spend most of your time at home with the kid lets! It's always a good night out there!
4. And considering how small Deloraine is I'm going to branch out a little bit here for my fourth favourite place and say Launceston...Because I love going shopping and going out to eat and going to the movies. None of which you can really do in Del-City! AND it's only half an hour away so I reckon that's pretty local...
4 Favourite Foods
1. Too easy...Chocolate! Any sort of choccie will satisfy me, I'm not fussy!
2. Lasagne. I lurve lasagne!
3. Roast lamb with roast vegies
4. Pretty much anything that Craig cooks for me...Living with a Chef definately has it's advantages!
4 Favourite International Places
1. I've never been anywhere International before...but I would love to go to Africa.
2. I'd love to go to Paris...
3. I'd love to go to Canada...
4. I'd love to go to America...
If somebody would buy me a ticket I'd go anywhere!!
So now to people I can tag...Well since most of my friends only read my blog and DON'T have one of their own (yes, I'm talking to you Sarah and Chantelle and Krist and...well, the list goes on!), I might struggle with four. But here goes...
I TAG....
Little Miss Zoe
My new friend Stepherz who has the best taste in little boys names ever :-)
Need-to-start-blogging-again Cara
I'll get back to you on the fourth one!
Hey Robyn- great blog...I've had fun checking it out! I love it when I find out someone I know has a blog - they are highly addictive, huh?? Hope you guys are coping with all the rain - its nice, but being so housebound is getting a little crazy!
Blogging is very addictive, I love it! I wish more of my friends would blog, I love reading others people's. They're lot's of fun! And the rain is driving Noah and I both insane - Oscar would be more than welcome to come and keep Noah entertained sometime!
I totally agree with the whole living with a chef thing, my hubby is in the same trade and I can't say I can complain about much that he cooks.
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