Thursday, May 31, 2007

How Could I Forget...

Kaiden can say his first word :-) And he is really working it, all that comes out of his mouth now is "ah b... ah b... ah bub bub bub bub"! It's so cute!

One Little Foot...


Noah's Haircut

Here is Noah showing off his new haircut...doesn't he look so grown up!

Time For Another Change

I've gone for a simple look this time...I hope everyone likes it!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Can't Stop Fiddling...

Miss Samantha Tagged Me!

Oki doki, I've been tagged so here I go...

4 Favourite Jobs

1. Being a Mum! Sure they drive you crazy sometimes, you don't get sick days and the pay is lousy...but it's all worth it :-)

2. Being a Personal Trainer! It was my very first job outside of school and I loved every second of it. I never had a day off, I never even had a day where I didn't feel like going. It was fantastic. I loved the clients and I loved my boss...And he loved checking out all my friends when they came to visit. Boys!

And that's it...I haven't had any other jobs! Well, I worked at a local hairdresser for awhile but I definatley didn't love it! And between leaving school in 2002 and having a baby in 2003, I only had the one job!

4 Favourite Local Places

1. The park. I love going for walks around the park and taking Noah to the playground there.

2. Chillies! Yum favourite place to go for lunch. Although they have changed their menu now but they still have the best muffins ever.

3. Am I allowed to say the pub?? Not that I go there very often but it's a great place to catch up with people that you don't get a chance to see all that often, especially when you spend most of your time at home with the kid lets! It's always a good night out there!

4. And considering how small Deloraine is I'm going to branch out a little bit here for my fourth favourite place and say Launceston...Because I love going shopping and going out to eat and going to the movies. None of which you can really do in Del-City! AND it's only half an hour away so I reckon that's pretty local...

4 Favourite Foods

1. Too easy...Chocolate! Any sort of choccie will satisfy me, I'm not fussy!

2. Lasagne. I lurve lasagne!

3. Roast lamb with roast vegies

4. Pretty much anything that Craig cooks for me...Living with a Chef definately has it's advantages!

4 Favourite International Places

1. I've never been anywhere International before...but I would love to go to Africa.

2. I'd love to go to Paris...

3. I'd love to go to Canada...

4. I'd love to go to America...

If somebody would buy me a ticket I'd go anywhere!!

So now to people I can tag...Well since most of my friends only read my blog and DON'T have one of their own (yes, I'm talking to you Sarah and Chantelle and Krist and...well, the list goes on!), I might struggle with four. But here goes...

I TAG....

Little Miss
My new friend Stepherz who has the best taste in little boys names ever :-)
Need-to-start-blogging-again Cara

I'll get back to you on the fourth one!

Sleepy Little Book Ends!

Rain, Rain...

It has been raining now for I don't know how many days straight, and the river is getting higher and higher. It is supposed to rain all week, I wonder if the water level will rise any more...Noah was very impressed with the "waterfall" though. Just imagine the look on his face if his beloved playground ends up under water!

Oh, and on another note -

When I went to pick Noah up from Toddle Inn this afternoon, his name was highlighted in pink on the sign-in sheet. The lady told me that there had been "an incident report written"...Apparently a charming little fella named Lachlan BIT Noah on the arm! They were arguing over a toy and having a bit of a tug-of-war about it, so I can only assume that the lovely Lachlan thought his only way of winning was to try to bite Noah's arm off. So I had to sign an "I-will-not-sue-you-form" and she thanked me for being so understanding. Mmm,kids...

Little Kaiden...

I took these photo's this morning...I think I'm in love...

MORE Photo's Of Kaiden!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Five Minutes In Noah's World...

What is something you are really good at? Spiderman
Your favourite food? Meat. Strawberry meat. Oh and I love chippies and nuggets too. They're my favourite
What makes you happy? Fruit salad
What is your favourite shop? Supermarket and Chickenfeed
Why? Because I get toys and cars!
Your favourite movie? Batman and Max & Millie
What's something that makes you mad? Naughty Owls (where did that come from?!)
Your favourite thing to draw? Big tall scarecrows
Something you would like for christmas? Batman
Favourite colour? Blue
What do you like to play with? Batman, Spiderman, Superman and the Joker
What do you do when it's raining? Play in the puddles
Your favourite animal? Cows
Something you wish you could do better? Weights bench (points to his little weights bench)
Favourite place to go? Queensland...
Me - You've never been to Queensland Noah
Noah - Yes I have
Me - No you haven't
Noah - I have I told you! Spiderman took me there last week
Me - Where was my invitation??
Favourite people to go and visit? Nanny B & Poppy Ced and Nanny Jill & Poppy Daz
What do you say when you answer the phone? Hello (Duh Mum....)
What's your favourite song? The teddy one...
Me - What teddy bear song?
Noah - The teddy bear one
Me - Sing it for me
Noah - Teddy bear went to Queensland on an aeroplane. Teddy fell off and broke his leg
Me - That's a great song Noah...
Noah - Yes I know!
What do you take to bed with you? Teddy
Who is your best friend? Superman, Spiderman, Flash Gordon and Batman
Who's you real best friend? I just told you that
Ok then, who's your best friend AT SCHOOL? Blake
Do you have a girlfriend? Yep. Her name's Montanna. She lives over there (points out our lounge room window!)
Why is she your girlfriend? Cos I love her. I love everybody!
What happens when you're naughty? Daddy laughs at me
Me - Wrong answer. What else happens when you're naughty Noah?
Noah - You growl at me and I have to go to my bedroom and I cry (why is Daddy the good guy and I'm the bad guy??)
How does Santa bring your presents? In his sleigh, like this (pretends to climb into a sleigh and runs around the lounge room holding onto the "reindeers")
Where do babies come from? From in your tummy
How do they get in my tummy? The doctor puts a hole in your tummy and puts the baby in and then they go to sleep and then the doctor opens your tummy and gets the baby out again

Pretty cluey for a three year old hey!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Random Pic's!

The House Is Finished...Well Almost Anyway!

Here are some before and after pic''ll have to excuse the mess! We don't have any cupboards as yet so everything is kind of everywhere! But it looks great, I love it. The new lounge room is so big and it's great that the boys have their own rooms now. More space to put more toys ;-)